Medium to short chunky poop or poop the color of
the food = Good
Long Thin Poop = not eating well, usually
stress related
Thick long = a little constipated or overfeeding and
the food is moving through the fish too quickly and
doesn't have time to be digested.
Zig Zag/clear long = reabsorbed eggs
Thin White = usually this is a sign of internal infection
(unless white foods are being fed)
Clear with bubbles = not eating well if at all
Dark, sausage like, long mucousy casing, floating
suspended by bubbles = gas trapped in floating
foods, foods are being fermented by gas causing
bacteria, fish are eating bubbles
No poop seen, but water is tinged brown = diarrhea
possibly with blood. this is an ominous sign.
Feces that float have entrapped air, either from the
food, or due to bacteria fermenting the food and
producing gas. Because there is no connection
between the digestive system and the air or swim
bladder in Goldfish, eating air bubbles may cause
air bubbles in feces.
If you do not have access to a microscope to check for parasites and bacteria or you feel like it is way over your head then try this simpler technique for diagnosing your fishes health.
Gills that are bright cherry red are healthy.
Gills that are dark red indicate either the water is
toxic (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, metals, chlorine,
medication) or there is a parasitic infection.
Gills that are light pink indicates anemia. This can be
due to a bacterial infection or the toxicity of
Gills that are glopped together and/or looks like
raw hamburger indicates a parasite
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